Environmental Vibration Testing
Random Vibration
Power Spectral Density (PSD) data with single or multiple average results can be computed during the vibration test run. m+p Analyzer’s “scope mode” allows pre-monitoring of the test start-up before averaging starts and averages can be manually reset if required during the process. Transfer functions, coherence and many other functions can be easily included for a more thorough analysis of the test data. Sampling frequency and windowing can be selected for full compatibility with the vibration controller.
Swept Sine Vibration
m+p’s expertise in vibration control technology has been embedded into m+p Analyzer to give accurate and fully compatible swept sine tracking results using the COLA output reference. Sampling, bandwidth and result estimator filters can all be selected to match the controller or indeed used to provide alternative higher resolution results for example.
Classical Shock
For use with shaker tests, drop tables, pneumatic hammers or any other shock machines the classical shock capture wizard enables the full test specification to be entered and overlaid with the measurements. Control and response channels can be independently filtered in real time to avoid out-of-band noise and the result limit overlays are automatically adjusted to best fit the triggered shock waveform. Calculations are also done of pulse duration, peak amplitude, velocity change and within limits so that these data and their pass/fail criteria are displayed for each pulse immediately on capture.
Shock Response Spectrum
Online and offline wizards are available to cover all aspects of capturing and reporting SRS data. These can be used with shaker or shock machine testing and include limit overlays for instant test assessment and report generation.
Shaker Qualification
m+p Analyzer provides an advanced software tool for acceptance tests and regular qualification tests of shakers. Total harmonic distortion, amplitude uniformity, table lateral vibration ratio and other relevant measures are evaluated to verify functionality and performance data and to minimize the risks of downtime and associated costs.