LDS Test & Measurement is a leading global supplier of Electrodynamic Vibration Shaker Systems with more than 5 decades of experience. LDS Shakers are designed & built with a unique blend of global experience and with the latest advanced technologies. LDS was acquired by Brüel & Kjær in 2008, providing solutions for applications as diverse as laboratory testing, modal and structural analysis, squeak and rattle, package testing, and durability testing of objects ranging from sub-assemblies through to complete systems. Markets include automotive, aerospace and defence, electronics, electrical, and machinery production.
Vibration testing allows you to predict the failure modes of a product or component and monitor their dynamic behaviour to improve reliability and in-use performance. From high-force electrodynamic shakers and modal and measurement exciters to power amplifiers and vibration controllers, Brüel & Kjær offers a wide range of vibration test shakers and equipment designed for shock, durability, modal and structural analysis!
The LDS shaker systems are well-suited for vibration testing products and structures of any size – from small components and electronic hardware to very large devices and structures, such as satellite systems or airplane parts. With payloads up to 5000 kg (11,023.11 lb) and peak sine forces ranging from 8.9 N (2 lbf) to 289.1 kN (65,000 lbf), our electrodynamic shakers handle anything from a small circuit board to aircraft assemblies.